How to Maximise your school’s rebrand on social media
Emma Fell Emma Fell

How to Maximise your school’s rebrand on social media

If you’ve recently rebranded or are about to launch, firstly, sit down, take a deep breath and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back. It’s no mean feat to rebrand a school. From the delicate stakeholder management (alumni scared of change? It’s only because they love your school so much!), a crazy amount of touch points, and nervous Heads, it’s no wonder that putting it out there on social media can seem pretty daunting. But…the good news is, social media is your best friend for showcasing your shiny new look and feel. And Instagram, as a visually-led platform, is the perfect place to apply your new brand and get maximum exposure to current and new audiences.

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Why Prep Schools Should Prioritise Marketing on Instagram

Are you a prep school marketer who has been considering using Instagram as part of your digital marketing strategy, but aren’t sold on the idea? Or perhaps you need to sell SLT on it? Do you wonder if it’s the appropriate place for your content and your target audience? Do you struggle to imagine what you’d post on the school’s Instagram account, if it had one? If this sounds familiar, you’ll want to read on!

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