How to Maximise your school’s rebrand on social media

If you’ve recently rebranded or are about to launch, firstly, sit down, take a deep breath and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back. It’s no mean feat to rebrand a school. From the delicate stakeholder management (alumni scared of change? It’s only because they love your school so much!), a crazy amount of touch points, and nervous Heads, it’s no wonder that putting it out there on social media can seem pretty daunting. But…the good news is, social media is your best friend for showcasing your shiny new look and feel. And Instagram, as a visually-led platform, is the perfect place to apply your new brand and get maximum exposure to current and new audiences.

Here are our top 5 tips to give your socials the wow factor with your school rebrand:

1. Prep, prep, prep. Whether your design agency is supplying templates or you are creating them yourself (check out our easily customisable graphics package here), get ready for launch by prepping a series of grid, stories and reel templates in your design tool of choice (we love Canva). Already launched? There’s no better time than today and having templates will help with speed and efficiency in rolling out your brand consistently moving forward. 

2. Upload your new brand colours, fonts, logo and any graphic elements to your social media design tool. This will save you time in searching for that colour reference everytime and keep your brand on track.

3. Thank your school community for their involvement. Nip any criticism in the bud by giving everyone involved in the rebrand a big shout out in your launch messaging. If you have photos of alumni, pupils, parents and friends of the school looking at mood boards during the design stage (or quotes from them), then make sure to mention them! 

mood board for school brand

4. Give your accounts a brand audit. Make a list of all your social networks and assets that will need updating. Things to update will include your Instagram bio picture, your Highlights images, Facebook and LinkedIn cover images, and even your bio description if you have an updated strapline or values.

5. Train your team* (*aka willing volunteers and teaching staff advocates!). Share the brand guidelines and your new templates. There will be a period of time when you may need to be a brand gatekeeper, but getting staff up to speed early on will reap rewards in the long run.

For advice on (re)launching your school brand on social media, don’t hesitate to book in a free 15 minute consultation call with us!


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