Hints & Tips, Instagram, Schools, Social Media Emma Fell Hints & Tips, Instagram, Schools, Social Media Emma Fell

How to Create Authentic Video Content for Your Education Brand

Do you wince whenever you hear the words “video marketing”? As education marketers, we often think video marketing means big budgets & professional shoots but this does not always have to be the case! Sure, professional video campaigns have their place but in terms of social media marketing for your school or business, authentic, off-the-cuff video works just as well and in some cases, even better! Video is big on social media right now. Even Instagram, the traditional “photo-sharing platform” now focusses heavily on video content (reels & stories). This is good news for education marketers as video content is far more engaging & performs better than still graphics & images and does not have to involve a(n often expensive) professional videographer every time you post a video! Still not sure about how to regularly include video content in a school’s social media marketing strategy? It’s not as difficult as you think! Here’s some advice to get you started…

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Hints & Tips, Instagram, Schools, Social Media Emma Fell Hints & Tips, Instagram, Schools, Social Media Emma Fell

5 Ways to Improve your School's Social Media Presence

In today’s digital world, building an engaging and stand-out social media presence should be a central part of your school’s marketing strategy. It will help you reach new parents, attract new pupils, show off the best of your school & communicate your values and key messages. Achieving this no easy task however, and involves more than simply posting pictures sporadically without purpose or a plan. Not sure where to start or how to improve your current position? Don’t worry! Here are five ways you can level up your school’s social media presence and start reaching new people today:v

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5 Ways to Get a Head Start on Your School Marketing this Summer

5 Ways to Get a Head Start on Your School Marketing this Summer

After a long year, we definitely deserve to enjoy the relative ‘down time’ that pervades during the school Summer holidays. But if (like us) you find after that well-earned sun-seeking trip, and a week in the office without the students… you (secretly) would rather be a little busier, here are some things you can do to put you in good stead before the peak recruitment period kicks in. Before the madness of the school year starts ALLLL over again!

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3 Simple Things you Can do to Improve Your School Enrolment
Hints & Tips, Schools, student recruitment Emma Fell Hints & Tips, Schools, student recruitment Emma Fell

3 Simple Things you Can do to Improve Your School Enrolment

Implementing a strong school enrollment program may seem daunting. From ensuring that you are using inbound marketing to tweaking your website, to creating an impactful school tour process – all of these things may seem like they will take a significant investment in time and money.

But there are some simple, quick wins that you can do to improve your school’s enrollment even if you are currently stuck at home during a quarantine situation. And the best thing about them? They are all free to do!

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