Our Top 7 Hashtag Tips for Schools

Confused about hashtags? We’re here to help with our top tips to help your posts get seen and avoid school brand-damaging mistakes (did someone say #fail ?). 

Before we start, let’s quickly recap on what hashtags (#tags) actually are. Hashtags are usually key words preceded by the # symbol, but can also include numbers and emojis. They are used to categorise content and make it more discoverable. Think of them in the same way you would use a search engine - but less longtail and much more concise!

So, whether you already regularly use hashtags as part of your social media activity and want to keep on top of the latest trends and best practice, or you’re just beginning to dip your toe in the hashtag pond, take a look at our top tips for the most effective use of one of social’s most classic features. 


….. Use up to 10. Any more looks spammy, too few can look underwhelming. The current magic number according to trend reports is around 5-9. 

….. Include your school’s name in your hashtags. Why? This will enable social media users to discover your school and its posts via the search function - even if they’re not following the account directly. What’s more, users can follow hashtags - so consistently using your school’s name will support brand awareness and increased reach of posts. 

….. Check out what hashtags competitor schools and feeder schools are using. While you won’t necessarily want to copy what others are doing (and therefore compete for the same search terms), you might find some inspiration and also notice gaps that you could fill with unique hashtags that others are not yet using. Following schools whose marketing you admire can also be a good source of ideas. 

….. Use hashtags in both your grid posts and reels captions. It’s easy to forget to include them in your reels captions, but doing this will boost discoverability and all important views.

….. Include a mix of broad, specific and niche terms. Broad terms such as #education and #boardingschool are searched for by larger audiences, but remember, Instagram is saturated with these terms, so your content might get lost in the crowd. Use them alongside your school’s brand name, and specific and niche keywords such as school values or location (even if you’re already using geotagging).

….. Create evergreen content by using #throwbackthursday or #flashbackfriday. Got behind on posting about the latest ski trip or workshop? Bring the content back to life with one of the above hashtags! 

….. Use hashtags to group and signpost content. This can be a useful way to quickly signpost content for a particular subject, section of school e.g. #preprep and #sixthform) etc. without creating separate accounts or highlights (though both are credible alternatives). 

Need some help getting started in creating a Hashtag Strategy for your school? Get in touch to arrange a free Consultation call

P.S. Check out part 2 of this blog, 7 top hashtag mistakes that schools make… and how to avoid them!


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