Social Media Audits - What Are They And Why Does Your School Need One?
If feeding your school’s social media feels like a never-ending task, taking a step back to see the bigger picture and audit your accounts will enable you to bring more strategic focus and concentrate on making your activities really count!

7 Top Hashtag Mistakes that Schools make... and how to avoid them!
Hashtags are a quick and effective way to drive further reach and engagement of your Instagram grid posts and reels, but it’s easy to make some fundamental mistakes that can either damage your brand, reduce effectiveness, or even worse - make your school look out of touch on the ‘Gram and alienate your target audiences. Read on to find out what NOT to do when hashtagging on your school accounts.

Should my School be on TikTok?
TikTok. It brings up a lot of thoughts among marketers - it was an exciting new platform which mixed up the existing social media mix, but can also be a black hole for productivity. For school marketers, the questions raised by the platform are even trickier - is it appropriate for our school brand, for our students even, should we be endorsing its usage. The growing popularity of the platform poses the key question for schools and education brands: “Should TikTok be part of my school’s social media marketing strategy?”. It’s a great question and no answer will be the same for each school so let’s break it down to help you understand more about the platform, what will work on there and whether it is viable and necessary for your school.

Our Top 7 Hashtag Tips for Schools
Confused about hashtags? We’re here to help with our top tips to help your posts get seen and avoid school brand-damaging mistakes (did someone say #fail ?).

25 Content Ideas to Kick Start your School’s 2023 Social Media Calendar
Can you believe it’s 2023?! We want to help you plan ahead and get your school’s social media content calendar jam-packed with content ideas to post on your social channels.