How can you Make Sure Students Visit your Stand at Recruitment Fairs?

Agent fairs, British Council fairs, and Boarding School Expos. There are so many different recruitment events going on all over the world. Thing is, there are also SO many schools represented there, all competing for the same thing - those students coming through the doors. In our increasingly crowded market place, how can you stand out and make sure students and their parents make a beeline for your stand?

1) Digital Advertising.

Fairs are expensive. Then there’s the travel and accommodation of the members of staff attending. Before you know it, you’ve spent THOUSANDS on this fair and that fair, and how many students have you recruited for your efforts? And now you’re thinking “so now you expect me to spend EVEN more money on some digital ads?” Well, bear with me. What if I told you you could spend LESS money, go to FEWER fairs, and get MORE students? That’s where digital advertising can make a HUGE difference to your international recruitment. The formula is simple: go to fewer fairs, spend some of that budget on digital ads instead, to drive the same number of, or more , students to your stand at those selected fairs. In your ad, let prospective students know you will be attending the fair and why they should choose your school. Give them the option to make an enquiry (that good ol’ Call to Action), or even to book an interview with you at the fair. You might find they ONLY visit your stand. And if not, you will certainly be at the top of their list  to visit, over other schools at the fair they know little to nothing about. Bonus: It makes it easier for them to work out which schools they want to find out more about. Helpful, helpful. 

2) An eye-catching stand. 

If you can, it’s a good idea to adapt your stand to the common preferences of the country in which you are attending the fair. Depending on where you are exhibiting, this might include showing your green open spaces, historical buildings, excellent sporting facilities, or current British or international students. Wherever you are exhibiting, a good rule of thumb is to make sure the images show a mix of students in the school surroundings, and that they are aspirational and market-appropriate. If you showcase what your school can offer in-line with cultural preferences, there’s a better chance of passers by stoping for a chat

3) Freebies!

Everyone loves free stuff, and students are no different. Have you thoughts about providing useful branded items to giveaway at your recruitment fairs? Pens, stress balls, calendars and keyring can be made relatively cheaply. What’s more, if they are truly useful items, students will take them home and see your brand repeatedly - keeping you front of mind for their choice of school.

4) Pre-event emails.

Linked to your digital ads, it’s a great idea to set up some pre-event emails. Save your team some time and effort by setting up some automated emails. Every parent that enquires through your ads can be auto-added to a bespoke email list, and automatically sent a series of three pre-event emails. Over a few weeks of course, we don’t want to spam your enquirers! These emails should include key information on the event, what you will be offering there, how they can book an interview/make an application, and some of the key USPs for your school. If they know (and like) what you will have on offer at your stand, they’re more likely to cut through the ‘noise’ of all the other attendees, and drop by!

Interested in increasing attendance to your next event? Get in touch and we’d be delighted to discuss how we can help.


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